Do I even really need this?

Okie Dokie everyone got their end of year results today.

We-Do-Not-Need-This-Subject-for-this-course O_O
I have a maths resit D: Well thats not too bad since everything else went well ^^ But Maths D: boooo
I hate it
I hate Trig
I hate Co-Ord Geometry
I hate Everything Boo.
I also hate the losers who decided that to have a course @ Uni in ICT that you only need IT intermediate and bleedin' Pure Maths A lvl. FAIL. It makes. No sense.

"Miss Dent could you please fix my network between these 3 computers?"

"Mela. First I'll have to draw this line according to Co ordinate Geometry, then take the points on the line and make Pythagoras' Triangle. Then I need to use Differentiation and the CAST rule. Then I'll see if I can do the network."


"Because I have Maths A lvl, Not IT so...we'll see how it goes."


Now... xi dwejjaq O_o



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