Netbooks and Nineteenth century Novels

This blog post is brought to you from my brand new netbook - Dell inspiron 1018 in Red! I'm a very VERY happy bunny. My mummy-dearest is going to make me the most adorable laptop cover, complete with owl and my name :)

In less materialistic news...
I'm dragging my way through Wuthering Heights. The amount of time I'm taking to read this novel is DISGUSTING! If Healthcliff is such a scoundrel, how is it that no one just kills him in his sleep or something? Very depressing stuff too. But we soldier on :O
I'll try and write a decent 'review' of it later on to sharpen my writing skills, seeing as I have 3 assignments to write.
So...semester one exams start soon. I've only got two- one on the 27th and another on the 28th- but I'm nervous anyway. I like studying in the University's library, but WOW is it difficult to get a locker after 8:30am! Everyone is freaking OUT.

I should go do something productive now, huh?
Peace out x


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