In the middle of a thunderstorm.
Well in other news, I'm about half way through Pride and Prejudice and am thoroughly enjoying University thus far - except, of course, for that time when I walked all the way up only to discover that my only lectures for the day had been cancelled.Oh well.
Since I find blogging so therapeutic, I'll continue by talking about my BA English course a little. My favourite credits so far have to be 19th Century Fiction, Romanticism & Genre:Prose - partly because I find them most interesting, and partly because the lecturers are awesome to say the least. My Romanticism lecturer has this very old school English accent (*well, he DID study at Oxford university XD*) that makes whatever he says just so much more convincing! XD On top of that, he can memorise quotes like nothing I've ever seen before. I need to be able to do that. Somehow. Speaking of Romanticism, we're doing William Blake right now. I love Blake - in fact, the first poem I really read was The Tyger. I was very young (11 years old?) and I'd read the poem in this book called Puffin treasury classics or something. It was such a pretty book <3 Anyway, here's a quick outline of my "To-Read" list:
- Pride and Prejudice
- Jane Eyre
- Wurthering Heights
- Middle March
- Jude the Obscure
- Great Expectations
- Paradise Lost
- Blake's Poems
- Tamburlaine the Great
- The Jew of Malta
- Dr Faustus
- Our Mutual Friend
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- and more to come.
Those are just the ones I've got to read for my course. In my free time (if such a thing is to exist any longer with regards to reading) I'd like to finish:
- The French Lieutenant's Woman
- Vampire Academy: Frostbite (in desperate needs of some light reading.)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray
- The Great Gatsby
Wow. That's a LOT of reading to do. :O
Good thing reading is a major hobby of mine :D
That's important. Hobbies are important. Without a mentally fulfilling pastime, we are reduced to bored beings destined to browse the internet and make what we can of uninteresting, unimportant observations. A man/woman could go mad without a hobby.
I'm off to continue reading
Peace out.
I'm typing this up in my 5 hours free between lectures. I honestly do love my course at University, but seeing as there's two sides to everything, there IS a drawback. This could come in the form of too much homework, sub-standard notes, or teachers not showing up - but this is not the case. I find myself increasingly irritated by the sheer number of people who pretend themselves to be so much more well-read then the rest of us lowly English students. I know for a fact, for instance, that Mr. Maupassant [one of the greatest French writers to ever walk the earth] knew what he was doing, and was not being silly as suggested by a pretentious young man in my class recently. I'm all for questioning the text for critical purposes, but really now, MUST you make such a fuss of it with your gargantuan words in order to appear intelligent?(see what I did there?)
I'm not in this course to strut around proclaiming what I have and haven't read to the masses, nor am I in it to put forward improbable theories or state the obvious in hope of praise (on the contrary, this generally makes people look even more moronic).
I'd much rather say little and know more. I suppose the phrase "empty vessels make most sound" would best describes my feelings about the matter.
In other news, here's a poem about Autumn.
As I walk out into the early-morning sun
The season's sounds reach my ears.
I crunch my way over a blanket of leaves,
Kicking them up into a whirl of burgundy;
Watching them flutter back down to earth.
A soft wind whispers through the trees
Shrugging off a few remaining leaves.
Autumn – the beginning of nature's rebirth.
Peace out
Cuz like I'm intellectual and stuff.
Went up to the Campus with Katy and Luca and proceeded to do a LOT of walking around with a hint of writing down information. We bumped into a few friends and joined forces in an effort to navigate the area. Lol. At about 12 we went to an almost-useless meeting before hunting for the Institute of Linguistics. Found the institute of linguistics, went to eat pizza slices with fellow academics, then went home. After spending a couple of hours deciphering timetables and sifting through information,I discovered a clash between two compulsory credits. Not too happy about that, but I'm hoping it gets sorted tomorrow. ooh I almost forgot - I finally found ONE person who is in my course (Y) I know someone! No more loneliness! :D
Hello blog lol
I guess the only real reason I'm blogging is because I like the feel of this new keyboard :D *new laptop love*
It's raining outside, yesterday's photos are uploaded onto flickr and FB, I watched Glee and House, AND I'm watching LOST. Until school starts, this is the cycle my life will repeat. Oh and I'll go to the gym.
It's my wife's birthday today :D so I'll be heading over to her house later for some chillage. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Gawd I'm tired O_O
I keep looking at all these "back to school" videos [quite sad] it's a ritual.
The only catch is...I need to get my resit results before I can be REALLY happy about Uni. *sigh* two points D: that's all i need.
In other news...I ordered some -very- awesome t shirts from Threadless <3 And an O'neill school bag from Ebay. I'm all set for Uni :3
blah blah blaaaah i have absolutely NOTHING to say :D
I just needed to get rid of some of the energy inside my brain :O
I don't think reading notes will help any more right now, at 7pm the night before the exam. I'm SO treating myself to something from the shops tomorrow.
In other news...I'm absolutely ITCHING to take some photos. Why is it that I feel most inspired when im at my busiest? T_T I had a shoot planned for last monday, but the force of the wind made it impossible for me to continue - at least i got one great shot out of it. Now I'm setting up another shoot, soon after my exam, whenever I'm free.
Also, I'm DETERMINED to teach myself how to pull of some dramatic/"polished" make up for future shoots and self portraits. *schemes*
Anywho...I'm hungry. XD
TV Junkie
Tomorrow I SHOULD be heading out to take some photos, and I'm looking forward to it. Been itching to take some photos all week, and I just couldn't find the time between work, studying and socialising. I'm happy that I've finally found an art that I'm half-decent at. Scratch that - I'm good at it :P I have ABSOLUTELY no ideas where to go tomorrow for my little photo-outing. Originally, the plan was to go to Buskett with friends but it'll be too hot tomorrow - heatwave coming on. So...where else? O_O I don't know. Valletta's been done to death. I think. Mdina...not in the mood. Msida is boring. UGH I DON'T KNOW.
I n s p i r e
Since I can't take any photos right now I've basically been browsing the internet looking for images that can
1. give me a vibe for a particular shoot
2. use as a guideline for my friends when I photograph them.
I mean it's really awkward getting in front of the camera for an actual shoot - the first few shots are always going to be full of tension until the model loosens up. Examples will help. Right now I am LOVING Lillian Bassman as a photographer (even though she's ancient!) and I'm also looking at some old shots of classy ladies like Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, Ava Gardner and Audrey Hepburn, as well as the wild Janice Dickinson and ANTM girls like Yoanna , Shandi , Mercedes and Adrianne. I really wanted to see the photos Tyra had taken of the girls in one of the recent cycles where they were all scary with the creepy contact lenses. Haven't found those yet :\
Gaaaaah I still don't know how I'm ever going to be able to set up an indoor shoot. I need to make a soft box, and I'll need some sort of single-colour background. And I need a tripod. I'll have to make do with the sun for now, I guess.
England! Not long now.
Gotta buy more books.
Peace out.
I leave you with photography by Lillian Bassman :] I like it. It has inspired me XD Inspiration. I HAS IT!
Well seeing as I haven't blogged since (I THINK) the exams ended, I thought I'd pop in and type something that hardly anyone will read anyway :]
I'm happy because I've gotten back into my reading frenzy XD I finished around 2 books last week and this week I started reading Alice in Wonderland. I finished 'Going Postal' by Terry Pratchett, and while it was interesting and very original as a story, I wasnt OMG-blown-away by it, but I'll definitely be reading more of his work. The second book I read in around 2 days was 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho, and I quite enjoyed that. I think Coelho is one of those writers whose books are like marmite - you either love it or hate it. Some people find his novels too deep and maybe overly-meaningful while I find them insightful and entertaining. Nothing beats the first book of his that I read, 'Veronika Decides to Die' - I *highly* recommend that book to anyone who likes reading but doesn't have the time to read mega-long stories about epic battles across lands. Also, it fits in a small bag. I particularly enjoyed how Coelho offered the reader a different perspective from which to view "insanity". The best way of explaining it is that he depicts and explains 'insanity' in such a way that it doesn't seem that insane. Insanity explained in Sane terms, maybe? Just read the damn thing and then you'll understand.
I can't wait to go to a quaint little bookshop in England. I'm definitely buying something to read from EEEENGERLAND! I'm extremely excited :] My Fuji is waiting for me in its little box at my grandmother's house. I'll buy some photography magazines from the airport to read on the plane. I'll be all hyped-up by the time I lay my hands on the camera (which is to be named ZsaZsa for dramatic effect.) It's very frustrating, not having my camera yet. I keep getting ideas for photoshoots and the only thing I can do is jot them down in a pocket notebook and maybe add a quick doodle of how things should go.
I'm lucky because I have friends who have some form of interest in photography. Oh, and my man is pretty good at it too, but he doesn't take enough photos! Anyway, having people around you who share an interest in your hobby really help add fuel to the creative fire. And it makes me feel less shy about things.
I start work tomorrow. I'm not telling you where I'm working though :p find me yourself. All I'm going to say is that I'm nervous!
Anywho, I have nothing else to say for now.
and since my mother is probably reading this XD (hardly anyone actually reads this blog)
Peace out
Kelly x
Who Loves Orange Soda?
Haven't updated my blog in a while, so I thought I'd drop in and write something. I adore -not- having exams or school. It's fantastic. Yesterday, I spent 12 hours outside - BECAUSE I CAN! Today I'm staying in purely to get some rest.
I went to a bookshop the other day with two friends and it gave me the most violent urge to read XD So today I shall burn through my current book, "Going Postal" by Terry Pratchett. Speaking of my books...
Stephanie Meyer.
Oh how I resent thee now.
I liked the Twilight Series. Seriously, I was a devout follower.
But now I have seen the light. All I like now are the movies.
How in the name of all that is good and sweet did Stephanie Meyer manage to make money out of a 4-books series that could have been fit into 2 books?
All Edward does is stare at Bella.
Bella is totally OMG in love with someone she doesn't know, and actually acts pretty odd and looks at her like she smells of rotting fish.
There's a guy on youtube who sums everything up perfectly XD
GO AWAY STEPHANIE MEYER! And take your crappy new book with you!
As far as teen-ish vampire books go, I've read "The House of Night" series by PC and Kirstin Cast. It's miles ahead of Twilight. And highly addictive (seriously, I finsihed one of the book in the series in one day)
I recommend these books for someone looking for teen-romancey books. There's no sparkly vampires in it, I promise.
I really. REALLY. Need to get through some of the books on my reading list.
- the book I'm reading right now
- Paulo Coelho : The winner Stands alone and The Alchemist
- The Picture of Dorian Gray by oscar wilde
- Dracula by Bram Stoker
England soon :]
Peace out x
Exams and Stress
English paper 1 was pretty good; Shakespeasre was so-so while Owen was easy and the poem for critique was beyond boring.
Paper 2 is next (tomorrow) and I'm feeling prepared.
Paper 3 is a wild card because of the essay we need to write T_T I don't know what i'll do if I fail to get inspired XD
I'm DREADING maths.
If someone mentions that subject, I get nervous.
I'm very very very very nervous.
Apparently it's hayfever.
I say it's inonvenient because it further reduces my enthusiasm to study.
Not enough hours in the day.
Writing...who has the time right now? Not me. camera died, I'm ordering a better one.
If I could I'd just skip these Alevels and get stuck into uni. I can't take this stress anymore, and SOK is just an extra load to be carried.
I'm off for now. Just came back from a 'healthy' walk, shower time.
xoxo Kelly
"Self-Imprisonment" or "Social Decomposition" might me more suitable. If I'm not studying, I'm either asleep or worried that I -should- be studying. The last time I went "out" PROPERLY was on the 26th ie. the last day of school. Even then, it was just some after school chilling. Since when does Kelly Dent panic so much? I don't like it. One. Bit.
Did anyone else hear about the pope's imminent arrival?
€750,000 for a grand total of 26 holier-than-thou hours. I'm sure Jesus Christ would be euphoric about this. UGH! I'm actually disgusted by the amount of money being wasted on a 26 hour visit. I'm SURE the funds could have been used for a more noble cause. Maybe they just FORGOT the thousands of starving, sick children in third world countries...or some other little thing like that (!). Or perhaps I should send a little "memo" to the Vatican/Government about Haiti. HELLO?! Thousands dead? Disease? Crippled Economy? Does any of this ring a bell?
I can't say for sure, but I don't think that Christ would want such waste. €750,000 for a 26 hour visit. I don't think Christ ever charged anything for his visits or sermons. People conveniently forget these things, even if they ARE part of the roman catholic church. Mother Theresa had the right idea. That's one lady I liked. Her, and the previous pope.
ps. most of that three-quarters-of-a-million is paid from taxes. Just FYI.
I think I'll read Phantom of the Opera next :3
Peace out.
Last few days of school
The two year Junior College experience is finally drawing to a close, and I'm pretty..happy about that. First year was fun but void of any real progress both personally and academically. Second year was a hazy blur of books, essays, homework and studying. Not going to miss JC T_T
I'm so stressed these days, it ain't even funny.
things i want :
- summer
- get into uni
- shop
- art lessons
- better camera
I'm reading Dan Brown's "the lost symbol" at the moment. I'm liking it, but it's nothing spectacular...YET!
Going now. WAtching Phantom of the Opera (for the tenth time)
Peace out
Ho Hum
One observation I've made
I colour my sketches better when I'm sick. Or relaxed. This is the result :
I think that's a step towards finding a style that is ME
and I must drink my coffee
Good day to you x
It is no secret that man's perception of "beauty" or "the ideal female form" has changed over the years - hell, it changes from one man to another. Artists once painted real women, with all their curves and jiggly bits and, heaven forbid, skin that actually "creases" when they sit or bend over - and they were beautiful. The modern man plainly states that he'd much rather have something to grab on to as opposed to cuddling a stick-insect. Women criticise other women while they themselves scrutinise their reflection every time they step in front of the mirror - and yes, there are those men who criticise a woman's body. Unheard of, right? Reubens painted the Goddess Venus in a real way.
This is art. This is beauty. Renoir captured the female form exquisitely in his painting "The Bathers" - their faces are lovely, their bodies are real. So when did curvy become chubby, and why was this notion of beauty replaced by the other extreme - thin?
I'll tell you something you may or may not already know.
Women (and men) all over the world are bombared with magazines, posters, photos and television programmes depicting photoshopped, airbrushed and sometimes too-thin models. All.The.Time. When did a size 6 become the ideal size? And why is a size 16 any less lovely? More importantly, who decided that anything size 12 and over is a "plus sized" individual?
Two Words my friend: Marilyn Monroe. Forget her life, her death or any other hoo-ha that may cross your mind the moment that name is mentioned. She was beautiful, loved by men the world over. She had curves to die for (no pun intended). And oh my lord, she had a butt - a real one, not one of those new implants they thought up.
Attractive, no? No.She looks ill. Someone stuff a cheeseburger down her throat.
You want to know who I blame?
Yup. That's when it became okay for an underweight/waif woman to work as a model. I'm not saying she shouldn't have modelled, because that would be a lie. I just think she should have eaten some fried chicken at some point during her career. The Twiggy Craze hit women hard. It was no longer okay just being healthy, happy and curvy. NO. Now, everyone wanted to be like Twiggy. I HATE YOU TWIGGY.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? What is that thing? A human leg? No way. That's a scrawny chicken's leg. Yes, her face is pretty. But seriously - this? This is the root (essentially) of the plight of the modern woman?
The women's magazines don't help. Every issue has an article about "How to drop a dress size in a month" or "Top ten celeb dieting tips", "Your hormones and your weight". I Laughed out loud at the "Love your body SPECIAL" issue (probably a special because they're to ashamed to admit that yes, people larger than a size 8 exist). We need a "special" issue to love our bodies now. These people have got things in reverse. Women need to be taught to love their bodies - be they naturally thin, slim, curvy or voluptuous. Maybe we should have a "Get Fit" issue once in a while - make that into a "special".
Yes, these women are beautiful. What's important (to me) is whether or not they're healthy .
That's where Extremes come in.
Being obese is one extreme. It causes health issues, and people are generally unhappy when they reach that stage. Alright - yes - this is the classification of "Fat".
Why is the other extreme - thin - any more desireable?
FIND THE MIDDLE! OR RATHER, find the appropriate size according to your specific lifestyle/build.
I have many friends who are perfect, slim, healthy and gorgeous. And happy. That's the key word.
Being happy with a HEALTHY weight.
What is a healthy weight?
A weight that does not cause health issues. The end.
It's important not to take things too far.
Who says that abs are more sexy than a regular tummy? Why do we diet? Why do we break down at time when that pair of jeans don't seem to fit as they should? Why do we compare ourselves to women with comepletely different body types and builds? Why do we fight to get into a dress 2 sizes smaller? Why are our lives dominated by a number? Why are we perfectly slim yet pick on non existant flaws? Why can't we just love the body we were given instead of fighting against it?
Who gives a rat's butt how Brittney-freaking-spears lost weight? Am I Brittney? NO, I'd like to keep my hair. And my kids in the future. Also, blonde is so not me, and I do NOT have a personal trainer or a chef to prepare low calorie meals for me while I'm sweating away on a treadmill. I'd rather sit and read, thanks very much.
Telling a woman to love her body is utterly useless when retail outlets only stock sizes 4 till TOO-SMALL-FOR-YOU. It's even worse when a size 14 at one shop fits pefectly, but in another, they won't even got up past your butt. What kind of message does that send out?
Now I hear 13 year old girls worrying about their "fat". There's nothing wrong with them. When I was 13, I played with Poke'mon and Yu-gi-oh cards, and my biggest concern was catching all my favourite cartoons on Fox Kids. Not my butt looking big or my hair being puffy.
The final straw comes when your slim friend complains that she hates her (insert body part here)
I don't buy magazines anymore. Not Women's Magazines, anyway. National Geographic is the last one I bought. I'm sick of the smiling, airbrushed women telling me how to be "beautiful" and "slim" in
Rubens had the right idea.
Real Women Have Curves
Real women have curves, wrinkles, and flaws.
Each one earned with experience, perseverance and determination.
There's no computer to airbrush your mistakes.
Let them make you who you are.
Love every mark, every scar, every extra curve you wished to go away,
Accept what you can't learn to love,
Then let go of what you can't accept.
Treasure them for their memories
Like a worn love letter or ratty old quilt from generations of old.
Each wrinkle comes with the wisdom only years of life can give.
And life is not to be hidden or covered up.
For life is how a girl grows into a woman
And real women have curves.
— © Alexx A. McCoy
Plus Sized:Studying.
As much as I thought the above sentance to be a "fail", I am a student and the amount of work I have to do is, actually, KILLING ME!
Okay, so maybe I'm being a little dramatic.
It's not exactly the "studying" that's the problem, I honestly don't mind that part. What really bugs me is the lack of free time left to those who actually do their work (!). On a regular school day, I get home at around 4.15; I eat, take a short fifteen minute break and then the work begins. Beofore I know it, it's twenty-past ten at night. Where in the name of Spongebob's square-pants DID MY TIME GO?! So let's do the math. I finish (or rather, have to stop) doing work at around 10.20pm, I need to be up at 7 (earliest) the next day - leaving me with a staggering...1 and a half hour slot of free time? This little time-jewel can perhaps be used for reading, or sketching, or writing...unless, of course, I'm too tired to do any of these and just flop down in front of the laptop and wallow in my own misery (dramatic?).
The next biggest student killers are, naturally, Teachers.
I understand that during the first week or so of College, they'll whine and preech about how "there's only 3 months left!" or my teachers' new favourite, "There's less than 13 weeks left!"
I understand the urgency of the situation, A-level exams and all that, but WE DO HAVE CALENDERS...and mothers for that matter. I don't know what runs through their minds sometimes. Do they think that one fine day, Kelly is going to wake up, carefree, only to find that her Maths A level Exam is in an hour?! PISH! Don't get me started on teachers. If I ever meet a certain lecturer or 3 of mine in another life, I've got a few choice words for them.
Another thing I've been thinking about: Is it actually possible to tell a teacher/lecturer that they simply don't know how to teach? Technically, it's not an insult unless you're lying. It's true. You can't teach for beans! ... *wanders of into mental shout session with her problematic teachers*
Tests, assignments, one-thousand word essays, pointless IT projects...each one carries its own little packet of stress, which is then dumped onto my Exam Stress pile.
You may be reading this and wondering, "But Kelly, how do you un-stress yourself? Assuming you're not always stressed, that is."
The answer is simple. Too simple, actually.
In the hour or two I have to myself everyday, I dedicate every single millisecond to doing things I love to do. For example:
- Reading
- Photography
- Drawing
- Gaming
- Listening to music while reading or drawing.
- Photoshopping ^^
To me, the perfect environment for me to unwind consists of:
A nice comfy sofa/bed, a book, the tv running on some terribly average programme, fluffy socks, and incense sticks burning the smell of green tea into the air. If it happens to be a nice, sunny day outside, I'd love to go take some nice nature shots, and take in the sun like some sort of deprived, pale plant. A book and a coffee to go are all I need on a day like that.
I WILL do these things in Summer. All day everyday (when I'm not working, duh!).
I'm off to England right after my A-levels. Nervous breakdown or not, I could use the holiday. They have actual countryside there. In fact, right now I'm saving up to buy my dream-camera - hopefully I'll buy it in time for the trip so that I can take better quality photos there. It's not everyday you get to hop on a plane and go somewhere else (Yes, I'm sick of this island with its construction infection. Up, up, up... I'm sick of metal monsters belching out cancer-infused farts of diesel and petrol, and I'm sick of walking by the same god-forsaken "marina" pumped thick with sewage. It hurts my head. I need space! Not from people but from these ...things O_O )
This is a line from Jon McGregor's If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things :
" some rare and sacred dead time, sandwhiched between the late sleepers and the early risers, there is a miracle of silence.
Everything has stopped."
You do not need to be a book-lover or English A level student to understand it. I'd like to find this space of time so I could revisit what it means to be "silent". Even when I'm alone in my home, I still hear the buzz of the refrigirator, the rumble of cars passing by, someone else's television or stereo on full blast (I'm going to find them and beat them with industrial sized headphones). So yeah, that quote interests me.
I'm done for now and I have Maths lessons soon.
Peace out
Kelly xo