Don't ask me why I chose that title.
Haven't updated my blog in a while, so I thought I'd drop in and write something. I adore -not- having exams or school. It's fantastic. Yesterday, I spent 12 hours outside - BECAUSE I CAN! Today I'm staying in purely to get some rest.
I went to a bookshop the other day with two friends and it gave me the most violent urge to read XD So today I shall burn through my current book, "Going Postal" by Terry Pratchett. Speaking of my books...
Stephanie Meyer.
Oh how I resent thee now.
I liked the Twilight Series. Seriously, I was a devout follower.
But now I have seen the light. All I like now are the movies.
How in the name of all that is good and sweet did Stephanie Meyer manage to make money out of a 4-books series that could have been fit into 2 books?
All Edward does is stare at Bella.
Bella is totally OMG in love with someone she doesn't know, and actually acts pretty odd and looks at her like she smells of rotting fish.
There's a guy on youtube who sums everything up perfectly XD
GO AWAY STEPHANIE MEYER! And take your crappy new book with you!
As far as teen-ish vampire books go, I've read "The House of Night" series by PC and Kirstin Cast. It's miles ahead of Twilight. And highly addictive (seriously, I finsihed one of the book in the series in one day)
I recommend these books for someone looking for teen-romancey books. There's no sparkly vampires in it, I promise.
I really. REALLY. Need to get through some of the books on my reading list.
- the book I'm reading right now
- Paulo Coelho : The winner Stands alone and The Alchemist
- The Picture of Dorian Gray by oscar wilde
- Dracula by Bram Stoker
England soon :]
Peace out x
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