I n s p i r e

Hello again blog. These posts are becoming more frequent - probably because on my days off I have nothing better to do than type things onto here. Anyway, I'll use this because I'm pretty sure everyone around me is getting sick of hearing me say 'camera' this and 'photography' that these days XD I'm really obsessed with the art of photography at the moment. I hope I -stay- this obsessed. I'm doing everything I can to teach myself things so I can dive right into things when I lay my hands on ZsaZsa [the new fuji camera in england, not a person XD].

Since I can't take any photos right now I've basically been browsing the internet looking for images that can
1. give me a vibe for a particular shoot
2. use as a guideline for my friends when I photograph them.
I mean it's really awkward getting in front of the camera for an actual shoot - the first few shots are always going to be full of tension until the model loosens up. Examples will help. Right now I am LOVING Lillian Bassman as a photographer (even though she's ancient!) and I'm also looking at some old shots of classy ladies like Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, Ava Gardner and Audrey Hepburn, as well as the wild Janice Dickinson and ANTM girls like Yoanna , Shandi , Mercedes and Adrianne. I really wanted to see the photos Tyra had taken of the girls in one of the recent cycles where they were all scary with the creepy contact lenses. Haven't found those yet :\
Gaaaaah I still don't know how I'm ever going to be able to set up an indoor shoot. I need to make a soft box, and I'll need some sort of single-colour background. And I need a tripod. I'll have to make do with the sun for now, I guess.

England! Not long now.
Gotta buy more books.

Peace out.

I leave you with photography by Lillian Bassman :] I like it. It has inspired me XD Inspiration. I HAS IT!


Hello dear blog.

Well seeing as I haven't blogged since (I THINK) the exams ended, I thought I'd pop in and type something that hardly anyone will read anyway :]

I'm happy because I've gotten back into my reading frenzy XD I finished around 2 books last week and this week I started reading Alice in Wonderland. I finished 'Going Postal' by Terry Pratchett, and while it was interesting and very original as a story, I wasnt OMG-blown-away by it, but I'll definitely be reading more of his work. The second book I read in around 2 days was 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho, and I quite enjoyed that. I think Coelho is one of those writers whose books are like marmite - you either love it or hate it. Some people find his novels too deep and maybe overly-meaningful while I find them insightful and entertaining. Nothing beats the first book of his that I read, 'Veronika Decides to Die' - I *highly* recommend that book to anyone who likes reading but doesn't have the time to read mega-long stories about epic battles across lands. Also, it fits in a small bag. I particularly enjoyed how Coelho offered the reader a different perspective from which to view "insanity". The best way of explaining it is that he depicts and explains 'insanity' in such a way that it doesn't seem that insane. Insanity explained in Sane terms, maybe? Just read the damn thing and then you'll understand.

I can't wait to go to a quaint little bookshop in England. I'm definitely buying something to read from EEEENGERLAND! I'm extremely excited :] My Fuji is waiting for me in its little box at my grandmother's house. I'll buy some photography magazines from the airport to read on the plane. I'll be all hyped-up by the time I lay my hands on the camera (which is to be named ZsaZsa for dramatic effect.) It's very frustrating, not having my camera yet. I keep getting ideas for photoshoots and the only thing I can do is jot them down in a pocket notebook and maybe add a quick doodle of how things should go.
I'm lucky because I have friends who have some form of interest in photography. Oh, and my man is pretty good at it too, but he doesn't take enough photos! Anyway, having people around you who share an interest in your hobby really help add fuel to the creative fire. And it makes me feel less shy about things.

I start work tomorrow. I'm not telling you where I'm working though :p find me yourself. All I'm going to say is that I'm nervous!

Anywho, I have nothing else to say for now.

and since my mother is probably reading this XD (hardly anyone actually reads this blog)


Peace out
Kelly x

Who Loves Orange Soda?

Don't ask me why I chose that title.
Haven't updated my blog in a while, so I thought I'd drop in and write something. I adore -not- having exams or school. It's fantastic. Yesterday, I spent 12 hours outside - BECAUSE I CAN! Today I'm staying in purely to get some rest.

I went to a bookshop the other day with two friends and it gave me the most violent urge to read XD So today I shall burn through my current book, "Going Postal" by Terry Pratchett. Speaking of my books...
Stephanie Meyer.
Oh how I resent thee now.
I liked the Twilight Series. Seriously, I was a devout follower.
But now I have seen the light. All I like now are the movies.
How in the name of all that is good and sweet did Stephanie Meyer manage to make money out of a 4-books series that could have been fit into 2 books?
All Edward does is stare at Bella.
Bella is totally OMG in love with someone she doesn't know, and actually acts pretty odd and looks at her like she smells of rotting fish.
There's a guy on youtube who sums everything up perfectly XD
GO AWAY STEPHANIE MEYER! And take your crappy new book with you!

As far as teen-ish vampire books go, I've read "The House of Night" series by PC and Kirstin Cast. It's miles ahead of Twilight. And highly addictive (seriously, I finsihed one of the book in the series in one day)
I recommend these books for someone looking for teen-romancey books. There's no sparkly vampires in it, I promise.

I really. REALLY. Need to get through some of the books on my reading list.
- the book I'm reading right now
- Paulo Coelho : The winner Stands alone and The Alchemist
- The Picture of Dorian Gray by oscar wilde
- Dracula by Bram Stoker

England soon :]

Peace out x