What is the Square root of Pi? Mmm Pie...

Hello Blog.

My maths exam is on the 2nd of September, meaning I have little more than two weeks of study left. For weeks and weeks I have been studying day in and day out, wracking my brains and trying to memorise as many formulae as possible - hopefully all my hard work will pay off.

Last week I attempted two Pure maths past papers. Fun? No. Improvement? Yes.

My exam mark was a pitiful 22 out of 70 (I think.) In one of the papers, I successfully obtained at 41.5 out of 70, and then I addedthe assesment marks so all in all I got around 51.5 :] I need a total of 45% to pass.

Today I tried a more difficult paper, and got a 36. 36+10 = 46 = JUST passed.

I realised that my problems lie with the following topics : Integration, Arithmatic progressions, and functions. If I could just get those 3 topics down, that exam would be in the bag.

Uuuuugh my next maths lesson is on the 21st, and I really really need it. I have questions.


Jeez..If I don't pass this, I may die. Or fling myself off a cliff and be critically injured.

Today I was reading Pride and Prejudice, & I came across an interesting idea. One of the characters in the book is said to keep "excerpts" or something; apparently this means that she reads books and keeps the sentances or paragraphs which interest her most in a little notepad. It's a cute idea - and I think I'll try it. Might help me retain some of my sanity, plus I could even upload my favourite onto here to share them with you. ("You" being whoever follows/reads this incredibly random blog which is mainly regarding books. It should get better in winter when school starts *sigh* )

Well.. this blog basically was to express my feelings about maths and..Pride and Prejudice (?).

I hope to go on a shopping trip later on this week with my best friend - Katy... while we're out I need to pick up some informational books..anything really I just want something factual like...history or...science...anything.

Did I tell you that I'm practicing my writing?

Yes I am. I even bought a book entitled "Improving your writing skills"... I really want to become a half decent writer bah!

Speaking of books

I had the weirdest dream last night. It was basically the beginning of Bronte's "Wurthering Heights" novel, complete with Cathy and Heathcliff. Why? I don't know why. Probably because my cousin's (totally sweet & has good taste in books) girlfriend mentioned it to me on Facebook, & I had seen the film last winter. At least I have immaginative dreams, people!

Anywho, I'm off because I have work tomorrow at 8:30am, and my huge urge to go shopping will not be fulfilled tomorrow :( *sob*


With extremely bored & immaginative regards

Kelly xo


LG said...

maths maths maths

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